
Cheating by veterinarians accepted

Well - thanks for the information from Animal Rights Foundation Kosovo on the 17th July 2020 about this case. The dog below was spayed early spring by our Foundation - because we do not need to wait until they have puppies. Our volunteers fed the dog for weeks when the restaurants were closed due to Covid. And suddenly this same dog has a new eartag - from the Team Avni Kadriu in Mitrovica, a farm veterinarian who's surgeries as far as we saw on some dogs are beyond any acceptance, dogs suffer or die of infections - that is why he should not be on the tender. 

The Food & Veterinary Agency knew it now for at least 15 days beforehand - that they were cheating, as we reported it immediately to ARF - and they did not undertake anything.


The responsible CEO is Dr. Valdet Gjinovci - same political party as DVM Avni Kadriu (PDK) and his Director who should supervise the state CNVR program Sadik Heta. They ignore any mails from ARF - disregard qualifications of veterinarians - just want to "share the cake" between their friends like they did two years before. And no one in government would stop it! They steal the money from the citizens with 74 Euro per treated (maltreated) dog - whether he suffers and dies is not of interest at all. Greed is the motivation to take part on this tender - and nothing else. 



Wir danken der Tierrechts-Stiftung des Kosovo für ihre Informationen, wonach eine von unserer Stiftung im Frühjahr 2020 kastrierte Hündin nun plötzlich eine neue Ohrmarke hat - die vom Team Avni Kadriu. Damit ist bewiesen, dass dieser Tierarzt versucht, den Staat zu betrügen, denn jeder behandelte Hund wird mit 74 Euro bezahlt. Dieser Tierarzt kann selbst nicht kastrieren, wie Fotos seiner Arbeit zeigen, dennoch wird er als Parteifreund von Dr. Valdet Gjinovci  - CEO des Veterinäramtes - am staatlichen Kastrationsprogramm beteiligt, ganz nach dem Moto, dass alle Freunde unter den Tierärzten "am Kuchen teilhaben" sollen. Und der Direktor, der diese Arbeit kontrollieren sollte - Verwaltungstierarzt Sadik Heta - tut nichts. Das fehlbare Team darf weiter arbeiten.



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