How you can help!

to avoid such our work!


 Contact us, if you have questions:



Choose online-banking:


Zürcher Kantonalbank CH-8010 Zürich, Switzerland

for: StrayCoCo Foundation
IBAN: CH13 0070 0110 0055 2113 2

For Eurotransfers  preferable choose this IBAN:

IBAN: CH87 0070 0130 0085 1457 7


If you want to send money from USA, UK, Canada and other countries you might want to use: (klick and connect) and send to IBAN: CH87 0070 0130 0085 1457 7


see below possibilities of supporting activities...





To give you an idea about our costs:

  • Infrastructure of shelter: 920 Euro / month
  • Spaying/neutering: 50 Euro per dog (includes whole organization, dogcatcher and fuel!)
  • Sponsorship of sterilization including all vaccinations and deworming is 45 Euro per dog
  • Vaccines: 6 to 8 Euros each
  • Mange Treatment: 60 Euro for whole treatment
  • Euthanasia: 26 Euro (very sick or aggressive dogs)
  • Dog keeping in the shelter: 30 Euro / month
  • Special Surgery (Carcinoma, Amputation) around 250 Euro
  • Single or double Dog House: 100 Euro

100% of the received donations go directly to a stray dog and the minimal infrastructur! 


With a regular donation per year of 500 EURO or more, you help us to organize our work. You give us security in our budgeting for CNVR - currently  in Kosovo - and you enable our planning. Why is this important? Because we want to plan our actions together with political representatives - this is only possible if we know how much we can spend on the CNVR action in a certain municipality.


Please contact us for every request or offer:

Sponsorship Program

There are two possibilities to help us with our program by sponsorship for certain dogs:

1st) we have over 20 invalid and sick dogs in our Sanctuary which need your support. Just ask, which dog has no sponsor. With  30 Euro per month you help us with the food and care, with 45 Euro you include vaccinations and veterinary services.

2nd) You are welcome to sponsor one treatment of a stray dog. With  30 Euro you pay for one castration and with  50 Euro you pay for vaccinations and deworming, mange treatment and whatever else is necessary. 

If you wish you will receive a photograph of your dog - treated - and his ear tag number as well as date and location of intervention.


Just write to: - if you are willing to help one dog per month.

bequests and legacies

More and more people want to decide themselves what they want to support with their wealth after their death.  They want to take responsibility for the life of humans in future generations. If you have to live with stray will know, that is not the life that you wish for your children. So help us with the CNVR projects, which is really expensive, and we promise you to change to world in the municipalities where we work. You help the animals as well as the citizens. They suffer of the risk of all that contagious sicknesses like rabies or worms, which will lead to death before time, like echinococcus - a worm you find on the Balkan everywhere.


If you want to legate, please contact us: StrayCoCo


We have no regular adoption program, but sometimes we have dogs that had to stay longer at the Sanctuary and we could not release them again. They need an owner or a family:

1st) we are constantly looking out for adopters that live in Kosovo. We guarantee free veterinary treatment for adopted dogs in Kosovo.

2nd) Foreigniers can adopt a dog, if they have a relationship to Kosovo or to a certain dog. We help with the administration, but the whole procedure must be paid by the adopter.


See all our adoptable dogs HERE


support cnvr in albania

From the beginning ALBANIA was also in our program. But then we realized that there is too much to do in Kosovo. So we helped to build up an association in Austria, that is called Pro Qen Albania. Every donation with the remark "for Albanians dogs" or similar will be given to this Austrian society. They control the work in Shkodra. The Swiss Society "JETA Tier und Mensch" is working in Fieri and does the controlling there.

So you have a choice, whether you want to donate for Kosovo or Albania. Thank you!